Immigration Offices

Thai Immigration – Rayong

The Thai Immigration office is located in Rayong close to the  Municipal Office in Rayong. We have listed the contact details for the immigration office in Rayong below with a map and their contact details such as their telephone numbers, street address, a map to their offices and also a link to their website which is all in Thai. If you have any other questions such as a retirement visa or marriage visa then you can search this website for more details.

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Thai Immigration

Retirement Visa for Thailand

If you are over the age of 50 then you can apply to live in Thailand for one year at a time using a Thai retirement visa. The application process starts with obtaining a 3 month Thai retirement visa also known as a “O-A” visa. This is extended in Thailand.

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Thai Immigration

Thailand Visa on Arrival

If you are visiting Thailand then you might be in for a surprise as many of the immigration rules have changed. If you arrive in Thailand by air then you will receive 30 days visa on arrival, however arriving via land that has changed.

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